Products & Services

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Sprinkler System

Most people question, the effectiveness of a Fire Sprinkler Systems. Also, there are a lot of misunderstandings about Sprinkler Systems. What are their specific advantages? How is it better than a Fire Extinguisher? or Can Fire Alarm Systems be used instead? This article will give you a clarity, about Fire Sprinkler Systems.

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Spray System

A Water Spray System, for Fire Protection a different variant of Fire Sprinkler System. Such a system is used in places where fire is likely to rapidly spread out of control, within a short duration. Examples of such places, where Water Spray System, for Fire Protection are required are; Transformers, LPG bullets and Combustible fuels.

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Foam System

Fire Protection Foam, also locally know as Foam Fire Fighting System; is a system of firefighting, where water is not used. In certain cases, water can actually cause, the spread of fire; example, electrical fire or petroleum based fires. Here, automated fire protection is critical and has to be provided, yet water should not to be used. This challenge is met by the Fire Protection Foam.

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Hydrant System

Fire Fighting Hydrant Systems are the most commonly used systems, in many residential and industrial projects. If you have ever seen a “Red” colour pipe, circulating around a building or factory, you have seen a Fire Hydrant Pipe. In most news clippings about a fire, you can see a fireman shooting water up to 8stories high or more, that fire man is using the Fire Hydrant System. Such is the power of the Fire Hydrant System that water can be shot right up to 8 floor, directly into the fire.

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Fire Extinguisher

Fire Extinguishers are more popular, compared to the remaining Fire Protection Systems. You may identify them as red colour cylinders, seen generally at the doors. Fire Extinguishers come of a variety of types, sizes and for different applications.

You will find a many, Fire Extinguisher Dealer in Mumbai or Fire Extinguisher Suppliers in India, but you should be able to understand which type Fire Extinguisher is useful and for what type of Fire?

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Fire Detection System in India or Fire Alarm Systems (FAS) are an early warning system for industrial or residential complexes. A Fire Alarm System is a passive system, meaning it does not stop the fire from spreading. It means that the Fire Alarm System does not actively fight the fire. The main function of a Fire Alarm System is to give an early warning, that the fire has taken place in the factory or residential complex. This means that, the people in proximity to that area have an early warning to evacuate the building. However the fire will continue to burn, unless if an active system like Fire Hydrant System or Fire Sprinkler System is engaged. 

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Gas Suppression System

Fire Protection Gas Suppression System or simply called as Automatic Fire Suppression System (or Gas Suppression System), is relatively a new technology in India. Unlike conventional system that use water, in Gas Based Fire Suppression System; water is never used and yet the fire is extinguished. Here Gas is used to extinguish the fire. Hence it is a Gas Based system. The fire gets extinguished, within a minute of activation and everything is automatic.

Fas * Fire Extinguisher * Fire Fighting Machinery * Foam System * Gas Suppression System * Hydrant System * Spray System * Sprinkler System * Fire Fighting Equipments * Fire Extinguishers